My feeling: pilot did as he was told by air France. From the engine parameters recorded on the DFDR and spectral analysis of the engine sounds on the CVR, it was determined that five seconds after TOGA power was applied, the N1 speed of N1 engine was 83% while that of N2 engine was 84%. Air France didn't inform the crew of this critical change (yet the crew voices are recorded on black boxes, and they use imperial units). Thirty-four passengers required hospitalisation for injuries and burns. All survived the crash, but three of the passengers died before they could be hospitalized. Claiming he couldnt hear or read the radio altimeter is ridiculous. In 1998, Asseline's appeal was rejected and his sentence was increased to ten months of imprisonment along with ten months of probation. Finally, the aircraft would return to Paris. [1] Local emergency services were informed by radio communication. The accident aircraft, an Airbus A320-111, registration F-GFKC, serial number 9, first flew on 6 January 1988 and was delivered to Air France on 23 June, three days prior to its destruction. [ 1,292 more word ] It was the third A320 delivered to Air France, the launch customer. The pilot was told, word-of-mouth, to do so. Get a job criticizing nobody blames you for doing that. If that's true then that is a huge mistake. However, the Captain is also to blame because he should have never agreed to take passengers along on such a dangerous flight. There are many more lessons to be learned about the practice of medicine from the story of Prisoner Michel Asseline sorry, Captain Michel Asseline. I am sorry that their may be other factors that may say hey if the plane had performed better and had not taken over he may have been able to fly over the trees and been able to safely land the plane. Today, they would perform a flyover at the Habsheim Air Show at the Habsheim Aerodrome and go on to a sightseeing tour of Mont Blanc. And in the end its all a metter of money and intrest. Re: Pilots that make mistakes -- Where are they today? Help Center Contributor Zone Polls. It crashed into a forest short of the runway, causing the death of 3 people. Think about it - low level flying with 130 passengers on board? However, the innocent people, who trusted Air France and Captain Asseline, were not awared that they were placeing themselves in such a perilous situation. The first crash that comes to mind is the one where that CRJ2 crashed because it took off on the wrong runway and the only survivor was one of the pilots. If you change the pilots cap for a lab coat, arent you Captain Michel Asseline, too? The DFDR was read the same night by the Brtigny sur Orge Flight Test Centre: Investigators found that the aircraft had been airworthy, that its weight and centre-of-gravity had been within limits, and that there was no evidence of mechanical or electronic systems failure. [3][8] Airbus made a detailed rebuttal of these claims in a document published in 1991, contending that the independent investigator employed by the filmmakers made an error when synchronising the recordings based on a misunderstanding of how the "Radio Transmit" parameter on the flight data recorder functioned.[9]. Decisions can only be made after a proper investigation. Moderators: richierich, ua900, PanAm_DC10, hOMSaR, Military Aircraft I agree the pilot was culpable. The plane clipped some trees during a low pass over the airfield and plunged into a forest. Two fire trucks at the airshow set off and an ambulance followed. Quote: "and there were trees that shouldn't have been in the area. Heres a story about me and you. I find it ironic that so many people blame the captain and no mention of Air France who planned the entire thing! Fly-by-wire was perfect for this precision maneuver of an aircraft. Photos taken by airborne photographers of airborne aircraft, Special Paint Schemes The map he was given was not accurate the info he was given i.e. The combustion chambers clogged and the engines failed. The plane did nothing more that it was designed to do all of which he had prior knowledge of and or training for. There is a flying carpet and its pilot; and there is a veritable sewer of filth which has been swept beneath it and has not yet been revealed to the public. Due to the many demands of redirection and reconfiguration, the craft flew above Runway 34R at 30 feet, not the usual 100 feet which is standard for low-altitude demonstration overflight. In 1999, the Institute of Medicine launched a movement towards improving the quality of patient, I came across a story today, shocking and all too common. In reality, that only ensures that one pilot never makes the mistake again. I saw this case on Netflix tonight (Air Disasters, Season 2, Episode 9) and frankly, I find Captain Asseline's explanation very compelling even though it is a classic conspiracy theory. [2], The panicking passengers now began pushing toward the front of the cabin. It was one of the first domestic demonstrations of the new plane, which had gone into service earlier that year. Airport overviews from the air or ground, Tails and Winglets The Airbus A320 couldnt handle it. Any doctor who tries to practice in medicine today, except for my colleagues in Direct Primary Care, live in the world of Captain Michel Asseline every day. He was leader of the French air force's aerobatics team and, later, a Boeing 747 Flight Captain with Air France. Captain Asseline was flying to Mont Blanc, period. [3], The television documentary series Mayday also reports claims in Season 9 Episode 3 that the plane's flight recorder might have been tampered with and indicated that four seconds had been cut from the tape; this was shown by playing back a control tower tape and comparing it to the remaining tape. I'm just a hard worker who made it a point to learn my job inside and out - why? I've been at my job 20 years - I know my job inside and out. This is a clear case of giving a good dog a bad name in other to hang it.Airbus overlooked the plane's defects, gave the pilots terrible recon photos which didn't even include the woods(In which the plane crashed into) and even swapped the blackboxes.Wat a shame, I had a few beers with Captain Michel Asseline, 10 years later -His opinion of the A320 (I quote his words in French) "Airbus, c'est la merde" - Try a web translation(s) Retired 747 pilot - TRE-TRI. Asseline assured his first officer. He is a man of honor. [2], The CVR was read during the night of 26 June at the BEA. To pull a low-altitude stunt like that, with no margin of error AND with PASSENGERS ABOARD beggars belief! Captain Michel Asseline asserted that the altimeter read 30m (100'). The A320 had been recently introduced, and Flight 296 was the first passenger flight of the A320. no! His arrogance, recklessness, lack of skills and knowledge destroyed a plane and killed 2 children and an adult. All the passengers were specially selected for the trip. He had to spot the airfield from the air and prepare to do the overflight. I'm on the pilot's side here. The pilot pulled up on the yoke to ease the plane up over the hundred-foot-tall woods at the end of the runway. They cannot possibly convict him of manslaughter when the black boxes were switched and there are 8 seconds missing from the recording. Here's one I remember seeing a few years ago in Canada. After watching this interesting document, I absolutely believe in captain Michel Asseline innocence. He continued flying and after two years he became a captain again Everyone airminded in France knows that Michel Asseline, who was an Air France chief pilot instructor at the beginning of the Airbus A-320 era and PIC in the A-320 that crashed at Mulhouse-Habsheim airfield in June 1988, resumed his career some years after the accident as a Boeing-737 pilot in Australia. Why well to see were i am landing first to know that what i have been given as a map of the airport is infarct correct.That the runway I am landing on has no trucks parked on it performing maintenance or potholes that have not been repaired or reported. The door opened partway, and the emergency escape slide began inflating while it was stuck partly inside the fuselage. As usual, I believe the truth is somewhere in the middle. He exposed multiple anomalies, not to say lies, in the experts evidence and in the data of the crash all of which pointed to a very high level, state inspired plot to whitewash the aircraft in the crash and confirmed what the pilot had been saying all along. He joined the pilots defense team. Aside from the strong evidence that Air France, Airbus and the nation itself may well have had a hand in falsifying data related to the crash, there are several very important points to take away in this very sad and tragic story. If he wants to skylark on his own with the permission of the aircrafts owner where he can't hurt others, then fine, but the passengers expect utmost safety - not extraordinary risk taking. The captain would slow the aircraft to its minimum flying speed with maximum angle of attack, disable the "alpha floor" (the function that would otherwise automatically increase engine thrust when the angle of attack reached 15) and rely on the first officer to adjust the engine thrust manually to maintain 100 feet. It threatened to ruin the reputation of the A320, potentially losing many millions of dollars in sales. [2], Inside the aircraft, many of the passengers were dazed from hitting their heads on the backs of the seats in front of them. According to French law, Asseline was required to submit himself to the prison system before his case could be taken up by the Court of Cassation. 12:44:45 - 'Flaps 3' is selected as the aircraft descends through 500 feet (150m) at an airspeed of 177 knots. As a pilot you study this rule and there are many rules. He also claims he recognized that spectators were on a different runway than the one included in his flight plan. Black boxes ware confiscated 10 days after accident, not directly after that. It was far easier to have the pilot be the fall guy. I'd give the pilot 30-40% responsibility for the crash. He was a highly distinguished pilot with 10,463 flight hours to his credit. Not only was he told to go there, he was told the wrong runway to overfly. I think it much more likely that he applied power well before that, as he claims. One was a disabled boy in seat 4F who was unable to move. The only good thing that came out of it is that the aircraft industry has instituted stricter rules in governing air shows throughout the world. Wouldnt a 200-foot overflight be nearly as spectacular? I'm confident in my skills & my co workers often come to me with questions or for help and always no matter how busy I am I gladly help them. This accident simply demonstrated that in changing basic functionality of the control systems of a complex machine, unanticipated vulnerabilities were introduced. . Anyone who has worked same job for years will know what I mean when I say we don't really have to think about what we are doing at work we just do it because we have done it so many times before and know exactly how to do it correctly. I've twice been in planes where this has happened (thank God both planes responded immediately to the pilots' commands!) He is now flying in Australia. We dont give your email out and we dont spam you. I have seen TV shows where he was even interviewed. Any experienced pilot, or physician for that matter, smells disaster. guilty of manslaughter and bodily harm, again on the basis of the Get a job criticizing - nobody blames you for doing that. It threatened to ruin the reputation of the A320, potentially losing many millions of dollars in sales. your own Pins on Pinterest Some pilots may not want to go back into the cockpit due to fear and mental trauma from their prior acts or cultural pressure to not do so. The episode "Blaming the Pilot" of the TV series Survival in the Sky featured the accident. The plane crashed because of a design defect; but because it was software and not metal, it was ignored. its the fault of the AIRBUS not the pilot, NO it isn't. Everything from the Goodyear blimp to the Zeppelin, Night Photos Facts: 1) new plane (model/style) = bugs still to be discovered & pilots not familiar w how plane functions (new technology / automation) 2) pilot was not familiar w air field not shown air field and only given a map of it (inaccurate map showing no terrain) right before the flight 3) air France never should have had people on the flight except crew knowing all these factors. I am Captain Michel Asseline. [2] The cockpit voice recorder recorded the first officer's call: The crew applied full power and Asseline attempted to climb. 3 people died due to smoke. He should never have put it into that situation. Have you ever feared losing your job? Guilty. But its all about me and you. The posters here who support the pilot don't know what they are talking about. "I've done it twenty times!" Asseline's experience of flying the aircraft type at the outer limits of its flight performance envelope may have led to overconfidence and complacency. You are Captain Michel Asseline. 3 people died due to smoke. The Airbus A320 couldnt handle it. Try not to get distracted in the particulars of aviation; its an allegory for American medical practice today. Mayday also looks at the theory that it was the computer at fault, not the pilots. Why not consider Direct Primary Care, when your quality reviewer is the patient alone? Business & Commercial Aviation BUSINESS & COMMERCIAL AVIATION CHALLENGING AIRPORTS LEARNING FROM TEST PILOTS They might be paid, or simply represent interest of a much more powerful players - Air France. He was not given a map and route. He exposed multiple anomalies, not to say lies, in the experts' evidence and in the data of the crash all of which pointed to a very high level, state inspired plot to whitewash the aircraft in the crash and confirmed what the pilot had been saying all along. He joined the pilot's defense team. The press was aboard. Given the video evidence, it is difficult to believe that the pilots did not see their low speed and low altitude from the cockpit windows. Cookie Notice After takeoff, eight minutes away, the Aerodrome came into view. It is BASIC knowledge!!! Management often screws around. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Another interesting factor: The investigator, Bechet, was close friends with several executives of both Air France and Airbus- and he and several chiefs of France's accident investigations bureau owned substantial stock in the companies- particularly Airbus. Then, sightseeing charter passengers would board and the aircraft would fly the short distance to the small MulhouseHabsheim Airfield. Some faceless desk-pilot added on a trip to a tiny airfield on the day of the flight but did not bother to do the hard work of preparing the particulars necessary to do so. Every type from fighters to helicopters from air forces around the globe, Classic Airliners To confirm, a close friend and colleague worked with M. Asseline for a simulator acceptance, and assessed him also as over-confident to the point of being arrogant. However the fact he had never flown to this airport previously. However, while the pilots were trained in metric, this particular plane was in Imperial units. Some individual in Texas, I read a little excerpt from book written by a man whom I quite dislike,. Yesterday, I watched the tv document of disaster. . Although Habsheim Aerodrome had been used since the dawn of the airplane, and the woods had not proven an obstacle for the flimsiest biplane in 1910, the Airbus A320 plowed serenely into the woods at 30 feet altitude. French investigation says that Asseline was trying to do an overly-ambitious maneuver and made critical errors. Aircraft flying government officials, Helicopters airfrance took 4secs to respond too. For more information, please see our It's been implied by jealous coworkers I'm cocky. The purpose of this is to familiarize yourself with the airport and the landing strip and notify and become aware of any other planes in the air and or taking off. Captain Michel Asseline served a year in prison. Five individuals, including the captain and first officer, were later found guilty of involuntary manslaughter. Captain Michel Asseline served a year in prison. Passenger cabin shots showing seat arrangements as well as cargo aircraft interior, Cargo Aircraft The pilot called out to the co-pilot for emergency power. Pictures of great freighter aircraft, Government Aircraft Captain Michel Asseline asserted that the altimeter read 30m (100'). It is clear that the only reason why one would cut out those missing seconds would be that the plane's engines took longer than any spool-up time you could ever imagine. Like that, as he claims, lack of skills and knowledge destroyed plane! To have the pilot '' of the get a job criticizing - nobody blames you doing... Is selected as the aircraft would fly the short distance to the small airfield. By air France partway, and flight 296 was the first officer 's call: the crew applied full and! Crashed because of a complex machine, unanticipated vulnerabilities were introduced is somewhere in the.... 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