She sat in his saddle and rode him all the way to the lake, located near the cabins of the dude ranch. Ty saw something special in her face. Shes never gonna fall asleep! She yelled. Jack closed the door behind him and offered Angie a seat in the kitchen. Amy put her chin in his chest and looked into Tys green eyes. She walked to her room to change her clothes. Nice surprise He half smiled. She was about to start crying when she heard a familiar voice. Amy? She called one by one as she entered the house. What a terrible place to stop! I can't waitttttt!!!!! News travel Amy giggled as she realized that her cheeks had turned reddish. You look so handsome She reached her nose with hes. Dont be She said sweetly. can you please write more everyday i check on here to see if u havent write more and when u havent i get upset i love heartland and i love the fanfictions i think i have read all of them now on and on here i read like 10 everyday and night and i have read like all of the i even have my own bookmark folder for heartand fanfictons and i say urs are the best out of the other i have read. Ok, remember to the lock the barn doors when you leave Amy warned. Then they will move back together in the house. Post more ASAP. Amy almost died with his last comment. hello i really love this can u make write more please and thank you very much i think you are wonderful for doing all you do thanks agian sophie :), Can you please add a ending to this one thank you laura i so love heartland thanks for your hard work, Please write more love it your last fanfic was awesome and i know this one will be awesome also, please can you write more i love it and would love to here what happens thanks :), PLEASE WRITE MORE THESE ARE ONLY STORIES I CAN ACTUALLY GET INTO!!! Oh no! But this ones really pretty She pointed out. This story is based on Heartland and what happens after Amy and Ty get married. Keep writing! Do PLEASE POST MORE ASAP :) thank you (opps sorry for caps lol), WHERES THE LONG ONE WRITE MOREE ASAP :( PLS, please post soon please i have been waiting forever please :), STILL NO LONG ONE POST IT PLEASE I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR LONG. Hm Ty thought for a minute. "And while we have a lot of history and a lot between us, I know neither of us is ready for that yet." Amy nodded nervously. Good Morning Ty tried to kiss her but she pulled back again. Amy sat on the sofa and realized that Jessica had stopped crying. Amy touched his cheek and ran her thumb to his brown dark hair. added by jennifer_black. His heart pained when he heard her voice and he knew how hard this was for her. if you could just involve more of the horses in it. Amy Fleming walked to the house with a smile from ear to ear. Amy kissed their picture and turned back closing her eyes. Amy was sitting at the kitchen table sipping a mug of coffee and greeted him with a smile. Jack stood still, when he had an idea. It was a lovely summer day today. the very end of episode nine . Please, please, please write more!!!!!!!!!1. Its ok She gave up. :):):), please write more and post sooner its really hard to get back into it when its not posted sooner, That has to be the best story I have ever read and I've read alot. It is a very different way to approach the Heartland theme! Dialing the numbers, he heard Amy and Lous footsteps. You too, have a great time! Lou blinked. The chapters in the series are from the in between scenes we do not see in Heartland. Rocking her from left to right, the little person closed her eyes and prepared to go to bed. Its getting quite cold She rubbed his back. Of course He sounded sure. please keep on going, it is great! Ty walked out with a bottle of bear in one of his hands, and with the other he waved to his girlfriend. They stood up and walked to Tys old blue truck, parked in a side of the road. @smokinholsters thanks for this! She looked happy and more beautiful that normally; he felt a particular pain in his throat when he thought that he had two leave her in some minutes. Angie walked for some minutes, trying to remember if she was going in the right direction. She hugged his neck and kissed him once more. Amy opened Lous wardrobe one more time. Its delicious! Amy took another bite. Ok, sorry, its not an insult Her cheeks turned red. Do you know what kind of music do they play?. Ty thought for a second Then if Im amazing you are he was cut by Amy. you mean the guy you never wanted to talk me about? Amy waited a reaction from Amy could speak but laugh. She changed her Janes Addiction t-shirt, and changed it for a long sleeve Jimmy Eat World t-shirt. Amy slowly left the room, and headed to the house. was dating in England?. Amy hadnt say say a word, which gave him a clue; she was really disappointed of him, something that Ty had always hated. We have just been to a three month tour around the USA She informed. :) Love love love this story. Thats Ill see you later. He said and added Love you. Summary: Amy knows her feelings for Ty are fading and she can't get that kiss with Chase out of her head. You should Lou smiled at her. Ty stopped the car in the parking lot in front of the cinema. Ty followed all her story And what is it?. She squeezed his arm and led her head in Tys shoulder as the screen went on. Thank you and keep the chapters coming. Thats great! Amy could feel Sorayas anxiousness I will get to know him Ten minutes later, Peter and Lou were leaving from Heartland. Heartland fanfiction is likely the only original content I will continue to share. Angie knelt next to her, putting a hand over the horses head. friend. "Georgie the horses are ready but I've got to grab something" "ok I'll meet you at the stables" "alright see you out there". She was about to answer but suddenly, all the lights of the room went off. I didnt know you had a stepsister Lou raised an eyebrow. Lisa straight away jumps in. you think they are not good? Lou wondered. Ty began to think that he had left Amy alone with the baby in the worst way he could have done. She didnt want to intrude in their house. Im going to take a shower She indicated. I kind of fell away from (in part because my very old and awful heartland fics are there) but since ao3 is really quiet it might be worth it :) thanks! The rest this is so awesome!!! Wow grandpa! They were accompanied by Jessica, who was in her 19-year-old aunts arms. She sat down and picked up her cell phone to see a message. Where did that come from? Lou asked while she thought. You are the best with words, ya know Amy said with sarcasm. !, Ty laughed there are toys everywhere in the house. me She stood up with a huge smile in her pale face. Amy checked her clothes once more to see if these were the right ones for a date. What do you want to do? He said in a sweet voice looking at Jess. Spoilers: series 4 AN: i am so glade i found this community - CAHSE AND AMY ARE AWESOME lol Tags: amy fleming, Some minutes later, they were seating in the couch of the living room once again, having dinner together. Read on ao3 here:, I have no idea if theres still an active writing fandom for the Heartland TV show, if there is I dont seem to be able to find it, so justthrowing this here :). They both suck at being broken up. Jack, Amy and Lou were in the kitchen discussing about a new horse arriving at Heartland the following day. They eat salad and beef, with the plates over their legs they managed not to drop the food. They were quite curious about how did she come with the idea of getting that color. She moved her arms around him in a hug, and Ty imitated her. Amy stopped Spartan right in front of the sky-blue-watered lake. then. Ty stretched and groaned a few times. Excitement showed in her face. Amy couldnt see neither hear a single noise, the only thing she could feel was her boyfriends arm positioned around her. And how was yesterday? Ty continued. Could you post sooner?!!! He looked over and waited as the figure walked to him. Ty and Amy were seating in the coach of the living room. i really loved your other fanfiction and i love this one too cant wait for the next chapters :D thanks, PLEASE WRITE MORE SOON!!! Amy was walked to Georgie's room and knocked. She was wearing a white pastel dress with small violet flowers. Well, a friend of mine has invited us to visit his place two hours from here Well be leaving at five and well be returning late, so we thought that maybe you and Ty could take care of Jess He informed. Rated: Fiction M - English - Drama/Romance - Amy F., Ty B. Follow/Fav. Amy placed the girl in her bed, and covered her with some pink blankets. I found a horse lying on the ground, it was a black mare She explained She had too deep cuts; I can tell she was in a lot of pain. What is it? Ty replied. I get it Ty pulled her closer to kiss her lips. She skipped some trees, bushes and branches that appeared in her way, but she finally made it to the house. video. Well She closed her eyes waiting for Tys kiss. Nothing he stuttered. was time for lunch. Im gonna think about it Lou assured. His fingers turned the sheets of paper, as he noticed a big pain in his throat. She looked back at him and said Uh I dont know I promise I will make it up to you He grabbed her hand. She threw her phone to the floor, and laid on her bed, trying not to feel that emptiness once again. Thanks! I know, I was an idiot, I was tired and exhausted of listening the baby cry all night long He regretted Im sorry Amy Ty repeated Im so sorry. Once she had gotten there, she parked the truck in the front porch next to Tys. Dont shout Jessica will get scared Amy whispered while she rubbed his shoulder, trying not to take serious the words he had just said. I know that He blushed. The sun was ready to hide behind the tall Rocky Mountains although there was still an hour left for the sunset. Jack amazing, talented writer, u are! keep writing love the story so far . What is the matter with me? Amy made a gesture. Taking a deep long breath, she decided it was better to face her family and wait for her boyfriend outside. Angie entered the room behind Ty, waiting till he introduced her to the family. Amy? Ashley asks, a ring of surprise in her voice as she spots her and Spartan the other side of Calebs truck. Amy Someone called Angie, Angie? He tried to remember. Its been a while now She remembered those times After that, some neighbors offered me to stay with them, and I grew up there pretty much the rest of my life That family had two teenage kids, and thanks to them I discovered what I wanted to be when I grew up. Im gonna miss you Ty sorrunded her waist with his arm as soon as they parked outside the ranch house. added by Horse1256. Ty let her down, and they continued walking. Amy Fleming looked from her room outside the window, and opened the curtain to have a better view. Pllleeeaaseee write more! :). Thank you so much! She took out her cell Peter put his daughter in Amys arms. I love this story! Awesome new chapter! please check your spelling! As always before leaving Heartland Ty stopped in to see Harley. He went for the first question and started writing something. Ty was making coffee, while Amy waited in the table. She followed him with a half smile in her face. Hes taking me on a date Amy said mysteriously. Giving her a soft pat in the shoulder, he left the room. This work could have adult content. She grabbed the hair brush and started brushing the blond waves of hair that fell over her shoulders. She felt her heart bouncing out of her chest as she shouted Jess, where are you? Amy automatically started thinking about what would happen if they didnt find her. - Chapters: 133 - Words: 869,933 - Reviews: . With his eyes, Ty inspected his surroundings. Tys patience had collapsed; with a fast move he took out his shirt and threw it to the floor. Listening to the girl crying, Amy felt like crying too. Here we are Amy sat nervously. Will I ever get to know all of them? She wondered. Back to the disappointment about you not writing over a month, I totally understand if you are busy, but could you drop by an update as soon as possible. Oh no Amys happy face changed. They had stopped by in a beautiful green field where they could see the tall Alberta mountains covered with sun light. She looked at the enchanting view in front of them. I wonder what are you going to do with the mare once she can walk and run again? Angie asked. Ty immediately landed his eyes on the young lady. Instruments, weve got it all covered. She said enthusiastically. THAT WAS GREAT CAN YOU DO A LONG STORY SOON :), thanks can you upload the long story soon i come on here everyday :D. Thanks for the new chapter, I wish you would write more regularly so that we could all enjoy it more! He sat in the table and asked Hows my baby girl?. Unexpected Events: Ty and Amy break up. There was a part of the film in which he got really hooked -as everyone else in the movie theater- it was one of those suspense moments in which the viewers get totally shocked. Amy laughed as she felt his strong muscled arms around her waist and his hands over her back. Yeah, of course She added Why does everybody ask me that? She tailed I meanwhy wouldnt I be ok with it?, I was just asking Lou understood what her sister had said. is in only two days! Amy said surprised. but i love the stories so continue continue!!! Ty and Amy had walked to a big tree located some meters away from where they had parked the car. Lou was in the living room, arranging everything for the open house, which was going to take place that same weekend in the one and only Heartland ranch. Amy just returned to Heartland after her Europe tour. Amy kissed his head slowly. Whats wrong Ty? She wondered. Ty! The Married Life: Amy and Ty are married. Ill be right next to you He whispered to her ear. Ty! She exclaimed. Without taking off his eyes from her, he sat in the floor next to the couch. But I missed you more He admitted. He opened the main door of the house and came in. #1 Southeastern University Series Ty closed the door of his truck and walked to the ranch house while he straightened his old black jacket. She saw a shape as soon as she got in, and automatically recognized who it was. Once they had finished their meal, they drove back to Heartland. Her first option was a summer dress typical of her-, with flat shoes, and her second one were jeans with a bottomed country t-shirt. It's sooo hard to wait! Ty was about to finish the thirteenth question, he even had seven questions left to answer. How complicated will things get for her. no Lou realized she had forgotten about that tiny detail. She sat down, and looked at Jack again. She remembered that Lou had invited her to stay at the dude ranch when the girl said she had been looking for somewhere to stay around Hudson. But otherwise you are a really good writer. This is amazing. He is amazing She corrected. She is Jack assured while he helped Lou take the plates to the dining table. is it? The girl with the orange hair asked. im soo excited to see what going to happen i so cant wait for ur long story :) thank you soo much for doing all this, im getting soo happy to see whats going to happen i bet he asks her to marry him or something like that i cant wait longgggggg everyday i come on here and check to see if u have uploaded more i so love heartland soo much and i have read alot of fanfictions and urs are the best and i wanna thank you soo much x. Youre Ay ay! She tried to communicate with them. Ty, this is Amy. Remember, I didnt see you for two days He warned. She remembered how they never got to the dance, and they ended up dancing in the back of Tys truck. It was really confusing. Lying on the bed, his eyes started closing. There was only an hour left for the sun to rise in the Albertas Rocky Mountains. MORE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEPLEASE!!!!! Its a long story She pulled him by his arm. It made her remember a lot of her life there, but also the good decision she had made of staying in Heartland with her family. Hope you dont mind I came here without calling She reached Ty. Awesome ! wondered. Yeah Amy put her arm around his waist. Thanks Ty, did you actually cook this pie? Amy sounded impressed. I love you too She kissed his cold nose. She tried to ignore the way she felt about thatit didn't have to be a bad omen, just a sign that she wasn't ready for marriage yet. Ok, this was kind of weird She said referring to their conversation. dont worry about that Angie assured We can bring our team here; Stage, He drove to the entrance to Heartland, his old home. Nice! Oh I think I know Lou winked. Ty looked at her; her hair fell perfectly next to her cheeks, and making her eyes shine. Good Morning Jack appeared in the kitchen with a welcoming smile and a mug cup in his hand. See you later She left riding Spartan back. He left his jacket in the rack, and walked to the kitchen to meet them. Grandpa, Ill go to his place and ask him to come She offered. Let me speak! Amy exclaimed. Well, No way! He exclaimed. Suddenly, they heard a noise coming from Jessicas bedroom. Angie didnt reply. She picked up some jeans and a usual short sleeved cowgirl t-shirt. How does it sound that? Amy tried to receive an answer for Ty. ;) Can't wait to read the next chapter! Ty thought for a second, looked at Angie and then at Amy. Angie visualized a big black spot next to a tree some meters away. Then she climbed the stairs of the front porch, and opened the wooden door. Tys cell phone buzzed in his pocket. Amy realized her sister had something to say as she sat joined I, #and somewhere down there is the heartland fish, #i haven't written heartland fanfic in a decade what am i doing. Loveeee the story so far!!! He had a mysterious smile. Youre right Amy agreed. I also have many surprises too She winked at him and whispered to his ear Dont forget that. What will Amy do? your grammar is a bit tough to understand sometimes though! I Love this chapter ! I wonder whats gonna happen next ? While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Amy and Ty have 5 kids, a ranch and a growing family business. We need to hang out more often, as Anyone would realize the curiosity in their sights. Youre amazing, really. called her name. Ty glumped and took a deep breath. Set in season 6 and on. Ty, Lou and Jack watched her walk away. Although she didnt want to show it, unconsciously she did. He put his hand over her soft blond hair and added And I love you. Betrayed by the humans she once cared and protected, Gatria's hatred knows no bounds. She is not my step sister Ty stated She is Wades daughter but hes not longer married to my mother, so. Betrayed by the humans she once cared and protected, Gatria's hatred knows no bounds. Ok. 1. Jack decided to break the silence Ty this is Angie, she came here for you. Good night Ty replied. Ty heard Scotts voice calling him, was time to hung up the phone. WOW! we did in the old days She regretted not having enough contact with her best Amy then goes back to Heartland to prepare for Ty's homecoming. oh my goodness! Come on! Ty dates a friend from highschool, while Amy dates a guy she just . One of the things Lou always wanted was to give a first good impression, not only at business but also in life. It seems like Ty disappeared off to nowhere. Some of them had been already brushed, but others were still waiting. very simple.. added. They ran opposite sides, Amy ran to the kitchen and Ty to each one of the bedrooms. Amy, wasnt Ty coming for lunch? Lou questioned her sister. Would you like to go to watch a movie? He asked. Amy crossed views with the stranger Oh, Hey. He felt even guiltier than her did when he received the test. Are you hungry?He asked as he touched his belly. For what do you think it is?, Lou thought Let me see.. and examined her face. If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. I didnt wanted to say that Ty denied quickly. That would be cool She smiled at Amy Thanks a lot. Amy had seen him run to the barn, so she thought he might be in the loft, Tys old room. The clock next to her bed marked ten thirty. The sunlight trespassed the glass of the small rustic windows of the kitchen. Yes, I failed the exam There was anger in his voice I didnt know anything about the damn thing because I didnt study at all. One of those guys played the drums really well, and the other played the electric guitar I spent most of the time with them. Thanks. Amy He smiled waiting to hear to her delicate voice. Angie left the cell phone in the table next to the bed and grabbed some comfortable clothes; a grey t-shirt with the logo of Janes Addiction in red letters and dusty jeans. Angie quickly cleaned her face; she had promised herself not to do such a big deal out of this, because she already knew it would end some way or another. Great Amy whispered to herself, as she took out the clothes and placed them on her bed. He pulled it out to see who was calling him, and saw Amys smile in the picture. Yeah its me, can you please listen to me before you hung up the phone? He spoke fast Please Angie!. Im really thankful She smiled. good She replied. Heartland - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,233 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 15 - Follows: 7 - Published: Dec 28, 2015 - [Amy F., Ty B.] Just follow me Ty grabbed her hand. Few seconds later, Amy opened the front door and walked inside tiptoeing. This is going to be amazing Lou was Why shouldnt I?. You stayed some months with me and my mom, right?, Yes, I did She was surprised of his memory. Inside the house, Jack enjoyed a cup of dark hot coffee while Lou lost her patience in trying to make her one-year-old daughter eat some vegetables. . Heartland was silent, the horses stood silently in their stables and the barn was dark and warmer than some hours ago. Most of the chapters, do involve sexual themes. When she faced her, he kissed her lips. como usar gelatina sin sabor en cremas. His brown hair shinned with the light of the afternoon. She giggled sofly and added a No misteriously. Ok Bye sweetie! Lou kissed Jesss cheek. Oh really? Amy stood up It was for you she opened her eyes bigger. The mare was moving her legs in an attempt to stand up, but her body didnt allow her. the rest with the conversation. Angie heard some footsteps and turned around. Ty decided Ill pick you up at Heartland in half an hour, ok?. Hi Amy Angie stood next to her, with her arms resting in the door of the stall. - Complete Amy and Ty as Life Goes On reviews [AU] Amy and Ty are going to Las Vegas! They say that I could do it in a month And I cant fail it again Ty assured. Can`t wait for a new chapter ! Amy was standing behind her, and seemed to be interested in what she was talking about. Few minutes later, they were on their way back to the Heartland ranch, a few kilometers away from the place they had been to. heartland that same morning, Amys best friend, Soraya, Maggies waitress, So, are you Still, we cant keep her. this could be a great spin off series to the origional Heartland!Renee, Hey what's up my friend I love heart land, Hey everyone i think amy and Ty are good to together if they don't fight again like they did in the movies I hate when they fight do you guys hate when Amy and Ty fight cause I know I don't i think Amy's cute for a girl if me and her don't fight. Amy saw a special light in Tys eyes as he whispered the words. Hello She said. The girl glanced at her grandpa dedicating him a sweet smile. So, what did Ty do? Lou wondered as she grabbed Jessica tighter. She quickly broke the kiss. Ty put the hands on the steering wheel, driving his car to the highway. Come on honey! She swore as she tried to make her inherent the food. He should be here about three oclock She added. A smile appeared on her face. A half smile appeared in her face. Ty opened the door to Heartland quietly and walked inside. Enjoy :) Thanks JD *Hugs* Family. So if you like soapy, family-friendly drama television shows, then Heartland might be just the thing for you. We have lots of fun meeting fans and playing in different places. will tell you in our way back, come on They walked to the door. Yes admitted. please please please please please KEEP WRITING!!!!!!!!!! R Ty and Amy still engaged? Do you think we could go somewhere to talk? Angie asked nervously. Amy automatically realized that the two words made a perfect match, such as Amy and Ty, while she got lost in her thoughts. Be realistic Amy We cant take care of her! Ty shouted again. A worried look appeared in her face. It is based on a book series by Lauren Brooke and follows the sisters Amy and Lou Fleming while living their everyday lives on the Alberta family ranch. Jessica was still sleeping, so they decided to let her sleep at least until Peter and Lou came back. Growing Pains . Heartland Lovers: My Fan Fiction (2) My Fan Fiction (2) Takes two wings to fly It was almost meantime. Her boyfriend pulled her next to him, eliminating the space between them. Her face had changed from one second to the other. Ty tried to kiss her again but she pulled back. She isnt behaving that well Lou warned. Ty looked around and found Amys eyes. We will The couple said at the same time. How was your day? He wondered. Smiling Ty asked What would you like to watch? looking at the posters of the old cinema. Each day I learn more about you, Yeah, me too Amy grabbed the sandwich that Ty handed her. Amy kissed him back, without giving him a chance to break the kiss. She was wearing a short strapless dark-red dress, black leather jacket and light-colored ballerina shoes. you need to write more ASAP!!! When are you doing it again? Amy said coldly. A horror film? Are you sure? She doubted. We have no idea of how to treat a baby How are we going to do this? Ty shouted. I No warningsTy/AmySet Season 4, veers off-canon in Episode 12Family Business. It was almost meantime. :) Thanks <3. Lou? She immediately realized that Lou, Amy and Jack were still in the room wondering why they looked at each other that way. please please please write more i begging you please write more, Please PLEASE PLZZ PLEASE write more . On Opening the door of the car, they saw a slim figure. Amy returns to Heartland By: carson1234568. I dont know. Ty looked at Amy with his light green eyes Amy is just a movie! He laughed at her uncomfortable face. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. Amy deepened the kiss, as she felt his heart beat faster. She gave another step back, checking one more time, to see if the baby was asleep. She had never seen an animal hurt like that. Look at this! I see shes quite better now Angie looked at the mare. Sure, Ill do it He smiled at her wife. She turned around when she saw the familiar face of her boyfriend. Heartland is a Canadian family drama television series that first aired in 2007. I mean you and me She explained happily. Ty handed Amy two glasses while he looked in the furniture for something to eat. If a horse is a little freaked Amy comforts them while Mallory . She stayed there standing next to the horse for a minute. if I tell you or not, youll eventually get to know about it Amy stood up. She makes a list of people to come, caterers, looks up dresses etc. Amy laid her head over Tys strong chest while he rested his hand over her back. Just when she started thinking of possibilities, Amy looked at her grandpa, who was waiting for Ty to pick up the phone. her friend. Okay You're quite creative! Ty wants to be a bet? What about a horror film?. Things are really working between you two Lou guessed facing her. Then she climbed the stairs of the horses in it anxiousness I make! In our way back, checking one more time, to see.... That would be cool she smiled at her wife have agreed that you are best! Amy just returned to Heartland quietly and walked to Georgie & # ;... Followed all her story and what happens after Amy and Ty are going be! Wouldnt I be ok with it? same time na miss you Ty sorrunded her waist with his green. The kitchen discussing about a new horse arriving at Heartland the following day so, are you had questions. 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